The Parish Council is statutorily consulted and receives details of all Planning Applications for its own and neighbouring Parishes from the Exmoor National Park Authority. The Council is required to respond within 21 days although on occasion a slightly longer period may be negotiated. If the Council raises objections the Application has to be considered by the Park’s full Planning Committee. However, if the Council supports the Application it may be able to be dealt with by the Park’s Planning Officers rather than go to full Committee.
In considering Applications the Council takes into consideration the following:
- Scale of the development
- Impact on the surroundings
- Design, appearance, layout and material
- Overlooking, loss of privacy and loss of light issues
- Noise, disturbance or smells
- Effect on trees
Issues that are not normally relevant include:
- Effect on the value of property
- Loss of view over other peoples land
- Possible future development not included in the application
- Private property rights such as boundary or access disputes
- Issues relating to construction